University Space Use Pre-Approval Standard

1. Purpose

This standard establishes the standards and procedures for approving the use of Indiana University (the “University”) spaces to ensure they are allocated equitably, ensure the freedoms of speech and assembly guaranteed by the First Amendment and Indiana law, and comply with safety, legal, and operational requirements.




2. Requirements for Approval

Prior approval is required for any of the following:

  • Preplanned events of more than 50 people between 6:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m.;
  • Preplanned events during the overnight hours of 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.;
  • Use of amplified sound;
  • Affixing signs or structures into the ground or to the exterior of any University structure or property, including, but not limited to, buildings and flagpoles;
  • Installation of structures and/or mass physical objects; and
  • Camping, including the use of any item to create a shelter, cooking and the use of portable electric heaters, heating devices, generators, and other similar appliances and devices, and all portable toilets

For the sake of clarity, prior approval is not required for any of the following:

  • Preplanned events of less than 50 people that will not extend into the overnight hours of 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.;
  • Spontaneous and contemporaneous assembly which occurs without prior planning or announcement for the purpose of an immediate and spontaneous response to a newsworthy occurrence;
  • The peaceful distribution of literature at any time.

3. General Principles for Approval

The University shall approve the request for use of the use of University spaces upon satisfactory demonstration of the following principles:

  1. Non-Disruption of University Activities:
    Approved activities should not interfere with scheduled classes, events, or essential operations.
  2. Fair and Equitable Access:
    Space will be allocated in a manner that ensures fair access for diverse groups and purposes, prioritizing University-affiliated individuals and organizations.
  3. Safety and Security Compliance:
    Activities must meet safety, fire, and health regulations, including maximum occupancy limits and emergency access requirements.
  4. Respect for Facilities and Environment:
    Activities must not cause damage to facilities, grounds, or equipment.
  5. Legal and Ethical Use:
    Space use must comply with all local, state, and federal laws, as well as University policies.
  6. Financial Responsibility: 
    Users may be required to pay applicable fees, including those for staffing, security, or cleaning, and must provide proof of liability insurance if necessary.


4. Space Use Categories and Prioritization

When competing requests for use of space are made, the requests will be evaluated based on the following categories, listed in order of priority. The University shall not consider the message or viewpoint of the requestors when approving or denying a permit request.

  1. Academic Activities:
    Includes classes, lectures, and exams.
  2. University-Sponsored Events:
    Includes events hosted by faculty, staff, and officially recognized student organizations.
  3. Community Engagement:
    Includes events promoting partnerships with external organizations that align with the University’s mission.
  4. External Requests:
    Includes private or commercial use by external individuals or organizations.

5. Approval Process

  1. Application Submission

    A completed application must be submitted at least 10 days in advance through the University’s event registration system. Applications must include:

    • Purpose and description of the event;
    • Proposed location of the event;
    • Date and time of the proposed use;
    • Expected number of attendees;
    • An Emergency Preparedness Plan; and
    • Any special equipment or setup requirements.
  2. Review Criteria

    Applications shall be approved based on satisfaction of the following criteria:

    • Availability of the requested space;
    • Compliance with the general principles outlined above; and
    • Adequacy of event planning (e.g., safety measures, setup needs).
  3. Final Approval

    Applications shall be approved based on satisfaction of the following criteria:

    • Availability of the requested space;
    • Compliance with the general principles outlined above; and
    • Adequacy of event planning (e.g., safety measures, setup needs).

6. Reconsideration

A denied request may be submitted to University Events for reconsideration if the request is amended to comply with applicable University policy.

7. Enforcement

Events held in violation of this standard may result in:

  • Immediate termination of the event.
  • Revocation of future space use privileges.
  • Financial penalties for damages or other costs.
  • Sanctions pursuant to a University disciplinary process, when applicable.