The New Student Induction Ceremony will be held in Simon Skjodt Assembly Hall, at 1001 E. 17th Street, on the IU Bloomington campus. The event will begin at 10:00 a.m., please be seated by 9:45 a.m.
Free parking will be available to students and families in all sections of the Simon Skjodt Assembly Hall parking lot. Staff members will accommodate all guests with parking and accessibility in Simon Skjodt Assembly Hall according to their needs.
If any member of your party uses a wheelchair or has other accessibility needs, and the vehicle that is being used has a government-issued accessibility hang tag, please enter the athletics complex via gate 13 off Fee Lane. Attendants will provide directions to the drop-off location for guests who need assistance, as well as directions to the designated ADA parking lot.
If the vehicle does not have a government-issued accessibility hang tag, please enter the athletics complex via any other gate off the Indiana 45/46 Bypass, Dunn Street, 17th Street, or Fee Lane, and tell a parking lot attendant that a guest needs assistance.
Seating for those with wheelchairs is located in the north and south parts of the hall, with direct access from all lobbies. Accessible bathrooms are located in both the north and south lobbies.
When incoming students and family members RSVP to their IUB New Student Induction invitations, they are able to indicate that they need to be seated near sign language interpreters or where captioning is easily viewed. Attendees are also encouraged to mention these needs when they are being seated by ushers in Simon Skjodt Assembly Hall.